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From joint pain to digestive issues, migraines to arthritis........

Reflexology can help to relieve a whole host of symptoms that affect many of us.

Reflexology will not cure an illness or condition, and we must be very clear about that. But it will, if used alongside medical treatment or other professional advice (be it nutrition/exercise) help you to feel improvements in your general wellbeing and relief from persistent symptoms.

Muscle and joint pain can often be eased by working specific areas and increasing circulation to the whole body. Energy blockages can very often be broken down and cleared allowing a relief in symptoms.

Digestive issues like IBS, constipation and colitis can often be improved with reflexology especially when it is used alongside other medical treatment or professional dietary advice.

Migraines and persistent headaches (especially hormonal ones) respond very well to reflexology with clients often seeing a distinct reduction in the amount of migraines or headaches they experience.

Often Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis respond well to reflexology treatments and allow clients some relief from persistent symptoms.

These are just a few examples of physical conditions that benefit from reflexology treatments, do get in touch to discuss something more specific.

Reflexology for physical issues: Services
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